What to do in Miyajima

The island of Miyajima offers the tradition of Japan in complete tranquillity. The red torii of the Itukushima shrine immersed in the ocean is very famous. Also worth tasting are the famous biscuits in one of the many shops that bake them freshly or the famous oysters. You can then stroll along the island’s many paths.

Photo by Japanforeveryone.com

The Itsukushima Shrine in Miyajima is an icon of beauty and spirituality. Located on the sacred island of Miyajima, this shrine is famous for its floating torii, which appears to emerge from the water during high tide. The shrine itself is an architectural masterpiece, with its bright red wooden buildings and thatched roofs. Visitors can explore the temple complex and admire the elegance of the structures that blend harmoniously with the natural surroundings. With its mystical atmosphere and breathtaking scenery, Itsukushima Shrine is a place that enchants and captivates visitors from all over the world.

Photo by Japanforeveryone.com

Practical information

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Official website 
12:00-18:30 (1 January)
6:30-18:30 (2 and 3 January)
6:30-17:30 (from 4 January to the end of February and from 15 October to 30 November)
6:30-18:00 (1 March to 14 October)
6:30-17:00 (1 to 31 December)
No closing days
300 Yen (500 Yen together with the Treasure Hall)
10 minutes’ walk south of the ferry dock

Il monte Misen a Miyajima è una meta affascinante per gli amanti della natura e degli avventurieri. Con i suoi 535 metri di altezza, offre una vista mozzafiato sull’isola e sulla baia di Seto. L’escursione per raggiungere la cima è affascinante, tra sentieri ben segnalati e boschi rigogliosi. Lungo il percorso, si possono ammirare antichi templi e santuari, come il Tempio di Daisho-in. Una volta raggiunta la vetta, i visitatori possono godersi il panorama panoramico e l’energia della natura circostante. Il Monte Misen è un’esperienza imperdibile per gli amanti delle escursioni e per coloro che desiderano ritrovare la pace e l’armonia con la natura.

Photo by Japanforeveryone.com

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Last ropeway back at 16:30
For maintenance twice a year in February and July
In case of bad weather
1100 Yen (one way)
2000 Yen (round trip)
Take the ropeway from the Momijidani station, which is 25 minutes south-east of the ferry dock. From the cable car terminus it takes another 30 minutes to reach the summit
It can be walked in 1.5-2 hours by taking one of three paths: Momijidani (which continues from the cable car station), Daisho-in (which starts from Daisho-in temple) and Omoto (which starts from Omoto shrine)

The Daisho-in Temple in Miyajima is a place of deep spirituality and beauty. Located at the foot of Mount Misen, this ancient Buddhist temple offers meditative stillness and an enchanted atmosphere. Along the entrance path, guests are greeted by hundreds of Jizo statues, representing children who died prematurely. Visitors can explore the various temple buildings, admire the Forest of a Thousand Lanterns and marvel at the imposing Kannon statue. Among the ancient trees and sacred paths, the Daisho-in Temple exudes a feeling of serenity and offers a perfect place for contemplation and reflection.

Photo by Japanforeveryone.com

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Official website 
No closing days
20 minutes south of the ferry dock

The Hokoku Shrine (Senjokaku) in Miyajima is a historic and majestic structure. Built in 1587, it is also known as the ‘Thousand Tatami Pavilion’ due to its vast size. With its elegant wooden columns and intricate details, this shrine offers a unique architectural experience. Once inside, visitors can admire the panoramic view of the island and Seto Bay through its large windows. The Hokoku (Senjokaku) Shrine is an evocative place, rich in history and culture, worth a visit during a trip to Miyajima.

Photo by Japanforeveryone.com

Practical information

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No closing days
100 Yen
10 minutes’ walk south of the ferry dock

Museum of History and Folklore

The Museum of History and Folklore in Miyajima is a museum that tells the history and culture of the island. Located in a modern building, the museum features interactive exhibits illustrating the daily life of the inhabitants and their relationship with the ocean and the surrounding nature. Visitors can explore the permanent and temporary collections, including ancient objects, photographs and traditional handicrafts. Multilingual guides and activities for children are also available. The Museum of History and Folklore in Miyajima is a cultural landmark on the island, offering an interesting and in-depth view of its history and tradition.

Museum of History and Folklore, Miyajima - DSC02265

Daderot, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Practical information

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Official website 
Last entry 30 minutes before closing time
Monday (or the following day if Monday is a national holiday)
26 to 31 December
300 Yen
15 minutes’ walk south of the ferry dock

Miyajima Aquarium

The Miyajima Aquarium is a must-see for lovers of marine life. Located right along the coast, it offers a fascinating display of aquatic creatures that inhabit the Seto Sea. Inside, visitors can admire a wide variety of tropical fish, enchanting jellyfish and cute penguins. The aquarium also offers shows and interactive experiences, such as the chance to touch marine animals. With its modern architecture and extraordinary exhibits, the Miyajima Aquarium captivates visitors of all ages and offers a window into the beautiful underwater world.

宮島水族館 Miyajima Public Aquarium

Shigeru-a24, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Practical information

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Official website 
Last entry 1 hour before closing time
Irregular maintenance closures (see website for closure calendar)
1420 Yen
20 minutes’ walk south-east of the ferry dock